Gin and horror films – a combination as old as time, no? Well, at the Sinner’s Distillery, we make gin and happen to love horror films, so they work well together in our mind! Imagine then, when we got offered the chance to team up with the gang at Dead Northern, how could we say […]

Halloween Pumpkin Twist
It’s Halloween and that means Pumpkins! Is there a more iconic fruit than the pumpkin when it comes to Horror? The giant orange squash has starred in more Halloween movies than Jamie Lee Curtis! But let’s be honest for a moment? Who actually likes eating Pumpkin? Sure, there’s a host of artificial pumpkin “flavoured” sweets, […]

Walters Fragile Skull
Have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to have a skull made of glass? Read on… Absinthe, Absinth, Absinth. Is it legal? Will it make you go mad, lob off your ear and gift it to a hooker? At 69% Alcohol does it kill Covid? Does the Hulk bleed it? Can you […]

Walters brain freeze – Cider and Hibiscus Summer Cocktail
Cider and Hibiscus Summer Cocktail. So, being our first post I think we should start with something simple. A nice cider cocktail made up of a few simple ingredients. Cider (obviously), I’ve used Thatchers Haze Cider, Monin Hibiscus syrup, and some crushed ice. Oh, and don’t forget the Walter Dead Northern Glass Skull, you’ll see […]