8 Horror Movies worth a watch on Netflix right now
We’ve all got a little bit more time on our hands nowadays, but it’s not all bad!
Here are our top 8 horror flicks worth watching on Netflix right now:

1. IT (2017)
A Stephen King classic, with a very different tone to its predecessor; it ticks all the boxes for a great horror movie – Fantastic cast and team, great special effects and a solid well-developed plot. Skaarsgard fills Pennywise’s oversized clown shoes with his own sinister brand of fear (although Tim Curry still has the edge in our opinion).
It’s not the scariest film out there, but what it does well is spend time and care on the depth of the characters providing some satisfying frights and major payoffs.
‘IT’ smashed all the box office records for a reason – Enjoyable creepy fun for the avid fans and newcomers to horror alike.

2. Hush (2016)
Blumhouse contribute a mighty pile of horror for us every year, Hush is one of their greats. Acclaimed director Mike Flanagan champions this horror-thriller, telling the story of a deaf writer who retreats to the woods for a solitary life, when a masked psychotic killer appears in her window.
What unfolds is a tense game of cat and mouse between Maddie (Kate Siegel) and the killer, pushing her mental and physical limits to survive the night.
We highly recommend this heart pumping thriller!
3. A Quiet Place (2018)

Another brilliant film for those dipping their toe in the pool of horror, John Krasinski (The Office US) stars and directs this post apocalyptic/thriller and genuine parent’s nightmare.
Giant creatures have taken over the world as we know it, and even the smallest sound brings death to everything near it.
Krasinski spend all his waking moments trying to keep his family alive with on- and off-screen wife Emily Blunt. All the cast have genuine chemistry and within minutes you are rooting for them.
With the sequel coming later this year it is the perfect time to watch/re-watch this monster horror.

4. Insidious (2010)
Another Blumhouse film and part of James Wan’s solid directorial catalogue (Saw, The Conjuring, Annabelle), Wan is a master of psychological horror. This supernatural flick sees an American couple and three small children move to a new house where paranormal happenings ensue.
Apart from a shaky final act, Insidious packs some big scares which pay off all the more for it’s slow pace. Haunted house, creepy kids, possessions, and things that go bump in the night well worth a watch!

5. Cabin in the woods (2012)
This is one for the horror geeks out there, Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) team up for this meta gory horror – giving nods to many classics of the genre, from the more obvious Evil Dead references to a very special cameo from a certain xenomorph slaying legend.
It’s a story as old as time, teenage kids go for a weekend away in a secluded cabin and things take a turn for the worst, all the classic characters are there; the jock, the geeky one, the pretty girl, the stoner – it all seem pretty standard but the creative twists and turns delivered in devlish ways makes it a really fun watch.
It is really a love/hate letter from Goddard and Whedon about the state of the horror genre, turning all the common tropes on their collective head.
Oh and it’s also a great film for persuading your partner to watch a horror movie, it’s gory yes, but it also stars Chris Hemsworth so there is something for everyone…

6. Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
Samuel Bayer takes a run at the 80’s dream invading slasher, providing a darker tinge to its predecessor.
Having re-watched both the original and the 2010 reboot recently, I have got to say Jack Earle Hayley fills the bladed gloves brilliantly. Compared to Englund more charismatic and more humorous baddie, Hayley is downright creepy and more realistic Kruger. He is unfortunately let down by a mediocre re-telling of the Freddy origin story.
There are some visually stunning scenes, including all those classic claw in the bath, wall stretching moments. Overall Elm Street does not fail to entertain and is a solid addition to the franchise.

7. The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
If you see the word exorcist and think this movie is going to be all projectile green vomit and spinning heads, think again!
Scott Derrickson delivers an art house horror, which negates gore for a courtroom style telling of the death of a young girl during an exorcism – made all the more terrifying that it is loosely based on real events.
I was actually only 13 when this movie came out but stole a copy from my friends’ older brothers room one Saturday night and it scared us all so bad I slept with the light on for days after!
I recommend watching this one by yourself in the dark, so it really gives you the chills.

8. Final Destination 5
The idea that death is chasing you constantly after unnaturally surviving a disaster is a brilliant concept, after watching the first Final Destination over a decade ago I was genuinely freaked out for weeks after watching it.
By the time the 5th addition to the franchise comes along however, I am just here eagerly waiting, popcorn in hand, for the next hilariously gruesome death – each more ridiculous than the next. This one should satisfy those looking for the blood gore and guts for sure.
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